This site is about a previous instance of this event. For the current event, please see the updated site.


PostgreSQL Conference Europe is by far the largest PostgreSQL conference in Europe.

Six year mission

This year's conference is the 6th annual PostgreSQL Conference Europe. The conference is organized by PostgreSQL Europe, with participation from most of the PostgreSQL user groups around Europe, and is intended to be an important meeting and cooperation point for users both in and out of Europe.

PGConf.EU is a unique chance for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use and work with PostgreSQL.

Great content from to

The conference will cover a wide range of topics, as we expect talks ranging from internals discussions led by leading developers to end-user case-studies from small companies as well as large multinational corporations and government organizations, all who run their businesses on PostgreSQL.

The conference will run multiple parallel tracks, covering the different technical levels to make sure there is always something interesting for everybody. Talks will be available in multiple languages, the majority in English with a separate track for talks in Spanish.

..and let's not forget the all important hallway track with caffeine infused discussions with interesting peers from the community.

Something for everyone

Given this wide range of talks, the conference is suitable for many different audiences:

  • DBAs already using PostgreSQL, or considering doing so
  • Developers of any kind of application, from hobbyists to large web- and enterprise applications
  • Decision-makers interested in evaluating the world's most advanced open source database as an alternative to traditional proprietary products
  • PostgreSQL contributors - code, documentation, support - whatever you help with!
  • Open source enthusiasts in general!


Next to the conference, we will also team up with several of the companies around Europe who offer PostgreSQL training, for a day of discounted short PostgreSQL training sessions. More info on available sessions will be announced soon.

Code of Conduct

PostgreSQL Conference Europe has an amazing atmosphere but should any situation or question arise, please see our Code of Conduct.